Sunday, August 19, 2007



How are you? Wie geht es Ihnen?
goodbye Aufwiedersehen
see you soon Tschüs
Pleased to meet you Freut mich
Please Bitte / Bitte Sehr
Don't mention it / You are welcome Bitte, gern geschehen
Would you like anything else to drink? Möchten Sie noch etwas trinken?
No, thank you very much Nein, vielen Dank
I'm sorry / Excuse me Verzeihung / Entschuldigung
Well Done! Sehr gut!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Welcome to a Mirror of Language Database

Hi pals,
This is Amrendra here, presenting you a cozy bed to dream your ideas in different languages and clear your throat to sharpen your tongue...You will be finding different articles and poetries reflecting your heart n soul both in Hindi n English along with a platform to learn German in a very interactive way.So guys, be ready to loosen your tongue...